Meet and join with dedicated music enthusiasts who have a common passion for classical music and a desire to support their local symphony orchestra.

Mission Statement
To encourage and promote the growth of the cultural interests, education goals and activities in the fine arts according to the guidelines of the Symphony of the Americas. The Society will help provide the personnel to staff the campaigns and to help execute the plans and policies of the Symphony of the Americas.
Attending the February 27 Luncheon?
Click below to pay and secure your seat!
$70/pp for February luncheon
$10 /per bubbles, wine
Coral Ridge Yacht Club
RSVP with Payment Required
24-25 Season Luncheon Dates
Monthly luncheons give members the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge about Symphony news, ways to volunteer for fundraising, and special events throughout the season and networking with like-minded community members.
August 15 – Coral Ridge Yacht Club
September 19 – Coral Ridge Yacht Club
October 10 – Coral Ridge Yacht Club
November 14 – Coral Ridge Yacht Club
December 12 – Coral Ridge Yacht Club
January 23 – Coral Ridge Yacht Club
February 27 – Coral Ridge Yacht Club
March 13 – Coral Ridge Yacht Club
April 24 – Location TBD
May 15 – Location TBD
Board of Directors

(Featured left to right during the Installation Luncheon at the Coral Ridge Yacht Club May 16, 2024)
Elena Hershey, Lori Gillespie, Barbara Wallach,
Helen Witters, Lee Washington
photo credit: David Orson Photography
Barbara Wallach, President
Elena Hershey, Vice President
Helen Witters, Recording Secretary
Lori Gillespie, Treasurer
Lee Washington, Corresponding Secretary
KayeLynne Northcutt, Official Ambassador & Spokesperson
Board Liaison from Symphony of the Americas
Betty Schultze

Symphony Society committee members meet regularly to assist in the planning, execution, and post production follow-up of special fund-raising events, membership benefits, community outreach and other aspects pertaining to Symphony-related missions.
Recruiting new members & volunteers to help raise Symphony brand awareness & promote fund & friend-raising events are valuable duties to sustaining this important cultural arts institution year after year.
Featured: President Barbara Wallach & Programs Chair Yvonne Baker

- Promote the solicitation of new members
- Keep an accurate and up-to-date roster of members
- Be responsible for the production of the Membership Directory
- Appoint committee members to assist the chair
- Send all membership dues to the Treasurer
- Produce a newsletter to be regularly distributed
Become a Member Today - $100/Annual Membership
Special Events
- Appoint committee members to assist the chair with fundraising events
- Approve the budget for all fundraising events
- Work with Public Relations Committee to promote special events

Special Programs
Yvonne Ramos, Chair
Elaine Bachenheimer
- Contact and schedule speakers for the Society meetings
- Appoint Committee members to assist the chair
- Prepare a list of programs for all monthly Society meetings at least two (2) months prior to the first meeting of the new season

Public Relations
Elena Hershey, Chair
- Work with Membership & Events Committee to prepare press releases
- Have photographers available when required
- Issue invitations to proper media personnel

Join the Symphony Society today!
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 954.335.7003
2023-2024 MEMBERS
Barbara Abrams
Alina Ali
Kay Allen
Virginia Anderson
Elaine Bachenheimer
Mona Bentz
Nancy Brady
Carol Anne Call
Judy Campbell
Meredith Campbell
Helena Caplan
Andrea Chang
George Chiavaras
Theresa Claire
Sara Connors
Joan Cooke
Jean Davis
Yara De Almeida
Pamella Deardon
Theresa Del Rossi
Anne Deon
Lynn & Dolores Drayton
Patricia Du Mont
Paul Finizio
Vaux Finnimore
Carol Frei
Gina Frey
Lori Gillespie, Treasurer
Julie Gordon
Janet Guardabassi
Marilyn Guenot
Cheryl Handley
Gayle Hansen
Jacqueline Harris
Valerie Hediger
Elena Hershey, Vice President
Beverly Hodder
Liz Hopwood
Keryn Hughes
Gloria Jacaruso
Marlohn Balas Jenkins
Marion Kaufmann
Patricia Kearson
Anne Kidder
Brigitte Kimmich
Dr. Elizabeth King
Patricia Knapp
Barbara Knochenhauer
Betsy Kornowski
Sylvia LaMarr
Christy Lambertus
Sandra Leister
Barbara Lefka
Monika Lent
Michele Maguire
Toni Mancuso
Bonnie Mason
Pamela Masters
Erwin Mayer
Nuccia McCormick
George Mellides
Bettina Merkel
Lesleen Mileham
June Miller
Ellen Mills
Katherine Molinet-Drum
Tom Mullane
Kate Nelson
Karen Nicholls
KayeLynne Northcutt, Ambassador & Spokesperson
Karen Paulson
Melanie Popper
Alexis Promuto
Irma Quiroz
Yvonne Ramos
JoAnn Richards
Jennifer & Robert Roselli
Maribel Ruiz
Betty Schultze, SOTA Board Liaison
Gail Smith
Sondra St Martin
Susan Tidswell
Jane Toney
Anna Tranakas
Lori Trent
Sheila Valenti
Jean Vazza
Nancy Voneida
Virginia Vyfvinkel
Mark Wallace
Barbara Wallach, President
Peter Wallach
David Orson Wallach
Lee Washington, Corresponding Secretary
Ingrid Weiner
Ludmilla Wilkerson
Helen Witters, Recording Secretary
Muriel Zbar